What are our objectives
The constitution outlines what we wish to do. Its a mixture of personal improvement and the development of the local network to allow others to benefit from similar personal experiences.
We are fortunate in T.V.I.P.U.G. in that we have a good mixture of people with many skills. There are those whose main interest is in simple to use Windows applications, those interested in using Linux and delving into the depths of the latest bleeding-edge software. Others prefer the simplicity of D.O.S. applications or running TCP/IP on the minimum hardware specification P.C.
The skills that people bring to the club vary from those who like to build things, those with a background in R.F. engineering and others in software development. Generally, problems that are raised at a meeting do not last as problems for very long with so many knowledgeable heads to tap into!!
Current projects
There are two major projects underway at the moment. These are the provision of full-duplex links at 9600bps over the Chilterns from Milton Keynes right down to Basingstoke and the 9k6 modem developed by Andy Pevy G4XYW.